X-Rite Rm200 No.7 Cosmetics SkinTones Makeup LipStick Color Matching w/Bluetooth
$ 132
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The resulting CAPSURE Cosmetic is able to achieve good representation of overall skin color by taking 27 photos of each sample – from three different angles, under 9 LED illuminants. Then it compares each color sample against multiple databases to determine the best foundation shade and complementary harmony colors for any lighting condition.See the link: https://www.xrite.com/blog/capsure?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=03-GO-NA-EN-DSA&utm_content=DSA_Website&utm_term=&matchtype=b&device=c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1L66wuCe8QIVBrLICh1iXQmsEAAYASAAEgK1_PD_BwE